Thursday, March 12, 2009

Stay home mum?

I am becoming a mummy all over again! I am now 4 mths pregnant and thanking God that he saw me through a trying first trimester.

When I first became a mummy, in En's case, with much prayer and support from hubby, I decided to do part-time work. Now that I am becoming a mummy the second time round, the the thought to become a stay-home mum is beginning to sprout in my mind. I am not the first woman to "give up" her career and stay home to invest her time in the home and the kids. My mother in law did it and she did a wonderful job with her 3 children. I do wonder if I can do an equally good job.

I was educated all the way to university, worked for a good 7 years now in legal practice, only to become a full-time stay home mum? My paternal grandmother used to tell me: why do you need such good grades, afterall you will get married one day. (grin, maybe her prophecy will come true!) Well, times have changed since her days! God has given me the opportunity to be thus educated, to have joined the marketplace and learnt many practical lessons of life, about people. These are invaluable to a person's moulding of character. May we never dismiss what God has done in our lives for everything can be used for his glory.

Thank God that His ways are different from the ways of the world. He teaches in His word the roles and responsibilities of woman, wife and mother. A wife is to be a helper to her husband. She is to take good care of the household, including the kids (the famous Proverbs 31). She encourages and teaches the younger women in church.

Thank God for real-life examples of ladies in church who have chosen to work part-time or be stay home mums to take care of their familes, to bring their children up in the ways of the Lord, to invest their time where the souls of the little ones will last for eternity.

Of course, I have my struggles: what if I cannot use my time well at home? what if I lack the creativity and dynamism to be a cheerful contented stay home mum? what if we struggle with finances? Only God will be able to help our family if we decide to take this step.

May God guide my and all Christian women's decision-making process in this area of their lives.



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