Saturday, May 9, 2009

Feeding Fish

One of En's favourite outing activity is to go "feed fish" at the park. Two weeks ago, his grandma and myself brought En to feed fish at Botanic Gardens. We really have to restrain him for straining too far out into the pond as he throws the bread in as he is just so excited about feeding fish. I think its a wonderful activity for parents to take part in with their kids. You can get rid of stale bread, teach your child to feed animals, identify the different type of creatures you are feeding as well as different concepts on sizes, speed etc. For example, big fish, small fish, many fish, turtle, swan, catfish, how fast or slow the animals are to get your bread etc.

Unfortunately when we were there, the plastic bag containing the bread fell into the pond and I was quite woried that the fish or swans would choke on them and die! We tried very hard to pick up the plastic bag but our efforts proved futile. After attempting to rescue the bag for 15 min, we decided to proceed with our morning stroll and revisit the pond later to see if the bag would have drifted somewhere to a corner for us to pick up. A good thing it did! and thank God for answering my prayers. My mum bravely picked it up at some "ulu" corner of the pond and we fitted the drippy bag onto a short stick for En En to carry to the dustin to dispose. As you can see, he was quite pleased to do something environmentally friendly and important!
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