Yi has this hand-me-down (guess who first used it?) toy mobile which we hang above his cot. He is able to lie down contentedly and coo to himself as he watches the mobile swing. Husband and I both noticed that he seems to favour the crab. Incidentally, he's got a crab jersey on when this picture was taken :) When En was little, he liked the fish (to the right of the crab in the picture).
The two boys are quite different if I compare them at this stage, i.e., the two month marker.
Yi makes a fair bit of sounds as if trying to communicate to us whenever we look at him. En was not that "talktative" at two months old. Yi smiles back when you smile at him, he is a really smiley boy. En was full of frowns. In fact, En's forehead was permanently in a "railway track" mode (with lots of lines running across his forehead!). Yi does not like water on his head and is not that partial to bathing. En loved the water and seemed to enjoy his baths a lot. For Yi, I have to bathe him really quickly and change him quickly. If I take my time, he will start crying louder and louder and finally he will reach a high pitched crescendo and go a little hysterical!
The Lord has been very kind to us in blessing us with two wonderful boys. At first, I too, like another mum friend of mine, wondered how I could love both of them. Somehow, God has given us the space in our hearts to love both En and Yi, individually, together and wholeheartedly! Praise be to God, our Creator and Author of our lives!