Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What is this?

En has recently acquired a new habit. He will point to something he is not sure of (whether object or person) and ask: "What is this?" I am both quite tickled and fascinated by his question. I wasn't aware that toddlers would start asking this question so soon (not that I know when they usually start asking such questions!). For example, He has pointed to veins on my preggie tummy and asked "What is this". After I give him an answer, he will ask me the same question another two or three times before he seems satisified with my answer. Ah... the wonders of learning during childhood...

He is also starting to mimic other people, more specifically, children his age, in their speech. He used to call me "ma ma", but he recently heard some children calling their mothers "mummy". So, he sometimes calls me "mummy" now, which I quite like as well :) He also calls "pa pa" "Daddy" sometimes. Wonder if Pa Pa enjoys being called "Daddy" too? :P
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