Friday, November 20, 2009

The Ultimate Priority

I borrowed this post's title from the chapter of a book I have just finished reading (Thanks for lending it to me, HK!). The book's title is: "Bringing up Boys", written by Dr James Dobson.

James Dobson reminds the Christian parents that we should give the greatest emphasis to the spiritual development of our children. As parents, we have a God-given duty and commandment to bring our children to know the Lord and to make a decision to serve Him with their lives. Deuteronomy 6:6-9 in the Bible says this: "These commandments I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates."

He opined that all human beings will at one point in their lives have to consider the following questions:
  • Who am I as a person?
  • How did I get here?
  • Is there a right or wrong way to believe and act?
  • Is there a God, and if so, what does He expect of me?
  • Is there life after death?
  • How do I achieve eternal life, if it exists?
  • Will I someday be held accountable for the way I have lived on earth?
  • What is the meaning of life and death?
Dr Dobson said that we should begin this task of teaching our children about God and what He expects of them very early in childhood. "The earlier the better" when it comes to introducing our children to the Lord. Timing is critical. Based on some statistics of the Americans, a researcher had confirmed that it becomes progressively more difficult to influence children spiritually as they grow older. I believe this holds true for people of all nationalities, and not just Americans. I have also been previously informed that people turn to Christ mostly during the years of their tertiary education. Once they start working, you lose them to the world of careers advancement, achievement, power, sex, alcohol, the internet, marriage, parenthood etc.

Another good point he made is that the most effective teaching tool is from the modelling provided by parents at home. Children observe their parents in action at home and are strongly influenced by their parents. Not only are we to teach our children about the Lord, we are also to model Jesus Christ so that our children can model themselves after us, and ultimately, the Lord himself.

For En and Yi, I try to read the children's bible with them regularly. I even make up bed-time stories about a Little Dolphin attending church, being kind to those who need help. These stories are helpful for reference when I need to re-inforce a christian lesson in En's mind! The daily disciplines of thanking God for providing food to us, praying for family and others (lest we become self-absorbed) are a must as well. During bible studies, we try to let En join in so that grows up in a church family and learns to keep quiet during bible studies (honestly, this is tough, sometimes he is good, sometimes a real nuisance with his noise!). I also bring En along when visiting other ladies so that he knows and partakes in a fellowship which is about mutual encouragement.

May this post be an encouragement to all the parents who have been diligent in teaching scripture to their children and being christ-like in their relationships, especially at home. May we as parents be reminded that our responsibility is great. If we ever need a ministry to serve in, this is it! That we are to be godly parents bringing our children up in the ways of the Lord (this is not to say that we do not serve in other areas of church life!). We do our best to discharge our parent duty and pray that God in his grace and mercy may save our children to serve Him!


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