Thursday, December 24, 2009

Storytelling at Night

I will usually tell En one or two stories from the Little Dolphin series (read: made up stories) every night if I am the one helping him to sleep. Tonight and for the past week or so, I have been falling asleep everytime I tell him a story. I will be telling the story and all of a sudden, start mumbling some nonesense in my drowsy state, only to be awakened by En's shout of "Mummy!!" (together with some laughter from him). I feel really bad but also feel very tired.

I used to think it was more tiring staying at home all day with the boys. But now that I am back to work, I feel equally if not more tired in a different way. Its physically more tiring having to work, then come home to spend time with the boys. I think this explains why I fall asleep during storytelling at En's bedime. It is however more exhausting mentally, emotionally and physically during the days I am a stay home mum.

I am trying to be thankful for my family and my work. Its tough trying to achieve the right balance but regardless of how badly or well I am managing in the balancing act, God's grace is sufficient for me.


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